Monday, November 21, 2011

Saint Cecilia: Bride of Christ

Tomorrow is the feast day of my confirmation saint: St Cecilia. In honor of St Cecilia, today’s post will be about her life.

St Cecilia was an early church martyr, but most people know her as being the patron of musicians. She is usually depicted with an organ or other instrument, but she is the patron of musicians because she frequently heard angels singing.

Like many women in the 3rd century, St Cecilia was forced into an arranged marriage. However, her husband was a pagan so Cecilia did not consider her marriage as valid in the eyes of God. Therefore, she retained her virginity and gave herself entirely to the Lord. Cecilia was responsible for the conversion of many people, including her husband. This led to persecution by the government. An executioner took his sword to her neck three times, but he was unable to chop off her head. She later died of the injuries after giving away all her possessions to the poor. Her body still has not decomposed.

Today’s Gospel reading (Luke 21:1-4) is about the poor widow who gave her two coins to the poor. Like the poor widow from Scripture, St Cecilia gave of herself for the benefit of others.The virgin saint clearly lived her life for God, even to the point of death. She gave herself entirely to the Lord, her true spouse. Like the widow, Cecilia knew her worth could not be measured by riches of this world. Both of these women saw their own true dignity as a bride of Christ!


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