Friday, October 21, 2011

The Saint That Is Just Me

com·par·ing: to examine in order to discover likenesses or differences
Sounds innocent, doesn’t it?  But it tends to have a nasty connotation when you apply it to yourself and begin comparing yourself to others. I think we as women are especially prone to doing this. We overlook our unique beauties and see only what we are not, especially as we compare ourselves with another person.  We try so hard to be like someone else and spend so much time musing over how we aren’t like them that we are unable to fully embrace our true identity and be “the saint that is just me.”     
So I want to share a song with you - a song full of truth - because sometimes a song can speak to the soul better than a thousand words.  I want it to remind you of the beauties that YOU have; that are uniquely YOURS.  I want it to remind you that God is not in love with your idea of who you should be, He is in love with who you ARE.  
My prayer for you is that you let the truths within this song penetrate your heart...may you rest in His arms and find peace in being the saint that is just you
 -Sr. Elizabeth, TOR

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