Monday, February 27, 2012

Lenten Virtue Challenge: Prudence

This first week we are going to be focusing on the virtue of Prudence.

Prudence is defined by the Catechism as “the virtue that disposes practical reason to discern our true good in every circumstance and to choose the right means of achieving it” (1806). In other words, virtue utilizes reason to discern what is good and how to go about that good. Prudence takes in mind the fact that the ends do not justify the means, and finds ways to achieve a good that in themselves are also good. Love is the driving force behind prudence (and all the virtues) because by growing in prudence we learn to love the good so much we choose it above all else; this requires grace. For these reasons the Catechism further says that prudence is the “charioteer” of other virtues because it sets out the rules and the structure for other virtues. 

As women, we can practice the virtue of prudence by making decisions based on reason and truth: the truth about God, ourselves, and others. This means keeping our emotions rightly ordered and not making decisions based on whims, mere desire, or falsities. Seeking the truth in decisions, even the small ones, is central to prudence, because without truth, how then, can we even know what is good? 

The Catechism also says prudence “is not to be confused with timidity or fear, nor with duplicity or dissimulation” (1806). Not taking action when it is necessary is not prudence at all! For example, if I am struggling with a particular sin, then I can prudently make the decision to avoid places of temptation and to frequent the Sacrament of Reconciliation because by prudence I know what the sin is, how to avoid it, and how to choose the good. Another example of growing in prudence is by time management. This means putting the most important things first. This includes taking care of ourselves and choosing to be healthy, especially as midterms are approaching, so that we can fully live out our call as students. Remember, everything we do is out of love for Christ, who desires each of us to live a virtuous life!


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